Id'Jeunes, the app of the youth of Antibes Juan-Les-Pins must have.
In order not to miss anything and to fill up with ideas to go out, to practice sport or to cultivate itself, the Youth Information Office (BIJ) of the Direction Jeunesse Loisirs of the city of Antibes Juan-Les-Pins launches a smartphone application for young antibois and juanais.
You will find a wealth of information on orientation from the 3rd, the discovery of trades, Erasmus, international mobility or pass his Bafa.
Thus, the Youth Information Office informs you of the events organized by the city for 12-25 year olds, Kiosk'IJ programming, good deals with the LOL card, competitions etc. You will also know how to benefit from the services offered such as ARI, PAEJ, project aid, "teen bag" for the holidays, the Local Mission, ... Links, information on transport by bus or train, Jobs offers, civics courses or volunteers, id'Jeunes is the application you had always dreamed ... We did it!
To access it, go with a smartphone on you will then be redirected to the platform corresponding to your system.